Friday, March 18, 2011

Does it get more romantic than this?

In lieu of a 20th anniversary card....

Cleve ZIEGLER, not to be confused with the other Cleves that I email regularly


Anonymous said...

You always get the best jobs. As a follow-up post, I think we'd all like to see pics/video of you actually unclogging the toilet (or at least some photoshopping of the event).

GoldenGirl11 said...

All evidence of the event has been flushed.

Julia said...

If it's anything like my house, the *only* person who ever clogs it in the first place is "the man", because using an irrational amount of toilet paper seems to be a male issue. And you live with 5 of them!!

GoldenGirl11 said...

Exactly Julia. It's like I have some secret plumbing degree that makes me a better than Cleve. I seem to also have an electrical degree which makes me a better light bulb changer.

Anonymous said...
