Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shana tova!

Instead of sending out a warm mass email new year's card to all my friends and family on this most festive of holidays I thought I'd do the opposite and send out a cold but personalized note to everyone in my contact list.

It says "we're thinking of you at this time.... but not enough to make it fancy... enough to write just to you... but that's about it".

Shana tova

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Dad's got groove

To highlight some of the critical work being done at the Goodman Cancer Research Centre, some of their top scientists, students, lab techs and dedicated volunteers, were gathered, they turned on the music - and danced!

Thanks to their proud sponsor, Medicom, a donation will be made for each hit to support advances in cancer research at the Goodman Cancer Research Centre.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

They're alive

It seems his pants refuse to die and made it all the way to the microwave for a frozen dinner. Or they were just trying to make a quick getaway out the back.

Monday, September 12, 2011


With the NFL season underway (is it too late to pray for a strike?) it's a little loud and hectic at our house on Sunday
... and Monday... and Thursday
On a positive we now know that Matt can actually put himself to sleep.