Cleve loves to spend Sunday at IGA.... can this mess cause my asthma to act up? |
Oh look... you went to IGA.... uh.... THANKS!... that's so, um.... great! Ya, great! I was totally meaning to buy cheese and... *gag*... tomato KD not to mention the... er... Brisk soda (Brisk? Huh?).... uh, and the Coca Puffs cereal... um... on the floor over there... is the PERFECT way to start the day... for a four year old.... oh look, he's eating them now.... from the floor *takes a double shot of ventolin*.... really, I SO appreciate you making that shopping trip for me.
As it turns out four kids is less work than one husband. Welcome home.
those Cheetos singles look AWESOME
In his defense, looks like he got Diet Coke instead of regular
wv - the chocolate syrup is a nice bonis
His jetlag shopping is the closest thing to pregnant shopping that I've ever seen. Almost like he was unaware of where he was wheb he picked up the Brisk.
Yup, that is why Mr. M is not allowed anywhere near the grocery store. He would come home with a case of beer, cashews, cheese and a huge steak. Oh, and two or three more jars of hot peppers to go with the other eight jars that haven't been opened yet. Men. Pfft.
Even better, Moey, is that he takes the five year old with him every time and then comes home swearing to never take him out in public let alone the grocery store ever again but then Sunday rolls around and off they go to buy Dunkaroos and an egglant as a toy because Cleve can't say no.
Looks like someone skipped their insulin shot! Can you spell high-fructose corn syrup.. Really enjoying your blog.
Thanks Muriel. Just enough sugar for the five year old to sleep on the ceiling.
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