Does "non-edible" mean "toxic" or is it just not very tasty?
I'm waiting to see if my husband has a reaction before I taste it. If he lives out the week I'll give it a go.
You are lucky that blog comments are not admissable in a criminal trial. (Wait - I'm not a lawyer, maybe they are?)
Good point although I know a few good lawyers if need be. And besides how much harm could a little oven cleaner/marinade actually do??
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Does "non-edible" mean "toxic" or is it just not very tasty?
I'm waiting to see if my husband has a reaction before I taste it. If he lives out the week I'll give it a go.
You are lucky that blog comments are not admissable in a criminal trial. (Wait - I'm not a lawyer, maybe they are?)
Good point although I know a few good lawyers if need be. And besides how much harm could a little oven cleaner/marinade actually do??
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