Sunday, September 12, 2010

This might actually be better than therapy

him: Where are your car keys?

me: In my drawer

him: Where's your drawer?

me: In the square thing in the middle of the kitchen that has those shiny handles all around. My drawer is still on the left just like it has been for the last 16 years.

I think I'd feel better if this happened at work too.

patient: I have an itch in my vagina

him: Where is your vagina?


GoldenGirl11 said...

Too much! It's a sit com! Thanks for sharing.

GoldenGirl11 said...

All true. Not always so funny in real life but thanks. Great to hear from you.

GoldenGirl11 said...

Can't wait to hear about Monday morning at the breakfast table. Hope you don't strangle anyone out of frustration.... again! Lololololol!!

Kate said...

Hey GG! It's me, Moey! Ted Bird has put the link to your blog on FB. Very funny!!

GoldenGirl11 said...

Moey! Cool. I swear I did this all as a joke/to threaten DrGG with airing my life. Everything he said all weekend went into the computer. Turns out it's really cheap therapy. I have no idea how this will all turn out but it's kinda fun.

Kate said...


It is therapy, believe me! I have a post in the works about my nightmarish summer with Mr. Moey. *shudder*

GoldenGirl11 said...

Hope everything's ok. You had a rough year. You need some cheer.